Friday, August 3, 2018

9 to 5

9 to 5

Nearly 40 years ago there was a movie whose plot was entirely about sexual harassment in the workplace that somehow also manages to be charming, fun, and downright zany.

I honestly don't have a whole lot to say about this one, it's all pretty straightforward. The plot is simple, and (perhaps to fill in time) there's all sorts of fun fantasy sequences and wacky hijinks (sometimes involving a dead body) throughout. The cast is clearly having a ball; comedienne Lily Tomlin and Jane "Barbarella" Fonda were both seasoned actresses by the time this movie was being made, and while Dolly Parton had never acted before, she's immediately magnetic and likable. Dabney Coleman is great as their terrible boss, and it's a lot of fun to see him play in the different genre-style fantasy sequences. It's a cute, harmless bit of wacky fun that also happens to tackle one of the most real issues that still occurs today.

For whatever reason no one's bothered to remake 9 to 5, and if any movie would benefit from an edgy, Horrible Bosses-esque remake, I feel like this is the one. There are plenty of strong modern comedic actresses that could fit these roles, and it could get a lot more detailed on what constitutes as sexual harassment in the workplace, as well as going even farther and zanier with the antics. It has every bit of potential to be terrible as it does great, but I think if there's a screenwriter that can find the right tone it could be a hit.

While it doesn't leave a huge impression, it's still a good time and I think anyone can enjoy it. Check it out if you're looking for some light fun, or if you're a solid comedic screenwriter who wants to tackle a remake of it.

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