Thursday, October 26, 2017

Jacob's 31 Day Halloween Movie Challenge - Day 3

Day 3: Poltergeist

The last time I saw this movie was about 10 years ago, so it was definitely due for a rewatch, and wow does it hold up! 

There's much debate over who's film this really is (the recently late Tobe Hooper is given the official directing credit, but many sources say that Steven Spielberg was far more involved) but the Spielbergian qualities are undeniable. While sinister, scary things certainly do occur, the film always comes back to a place of warmth and comfort with the loving Freeling family. 

I adored the performances of both JoBeth Williams and Craig T. Nelson because of how grounded in reality they are. There's no over-the-top attempts at winning Oscars, they're just real people who laugh in uncomfortable situations and don't like being tough on their kids. This goes the same for every performance in the movie, really. Even the paranormal scientists come off as real people with their own quirks and justifications for why they do what they do. 

In regards to the visuals, the practical effects still look fantastic to this day, and while some of the blue screen effects don't quite hold up, it never really hurts the flow of the movie. There's also some undeniable Spielberg shots in this movie, with lots of spotlights and sneaky long-takes.

This movie is very 80's, but not in a way that makes it feel dated. The kids swear and play with classic Star Wars toys, the dad reads books on Reagan, and the realtors casually build houses on cemeteries without much uproar from the citizens. It puts a nice dash of nostalgia in there to make it all the more enjoyable to watch. 

I really don't have any issues with this movie, other than the last few scares feeling somewhat rushed, though that was probably the point. 

Anyways, if you somehow haven't seen this underrated classic, I highly recommend it!

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