Thursday, October 26, 2017

Jacob's 31 Day Halloween Movie Challenge - Day 19

Day 19: Blade

This was definitely less of a Halloween vampire movie and more of a big dumb action movie with vampires, but hey, I still think this is appropriate. 

One of the first big, dark, R-rated comic book action films (The Crow came out before this, but I don't think that was from a publisher as big as Marvel), this movie is just a good time. It's not consistently fun, with several exposition-heavy scenes that could've been trimmed way down, but when the action starts it's hard not have a blast. 

Wesley Snipes is absolutely the highlight of the film, delivering classic action lines that wouldn't sound anywhere near as good coming from anyone else. 

A lot of the effects hold up, but some of the CGI is definitely a bit dated. 

The acting is over the top, as is everything else about the movie, but that's what makes it great. 

I'm gonna keep this one short cause I gotta rush to work, but if you haven't seen it yet it's a fun popcorn movie to watch with friends. 

Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna try to ice skate uphill.

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