Thursday, October 26, 2017

Jacob's 31 Day Halloween Movie Challenge - Day 2

Day 2: Hour of the Wolf

Th easiest way I can sum up this film is that for the first hour it’s a standard Ingmar Bergman movie, and for the last half hour it’s classic 1960’s surreal horror while still being very Ingmar Bergman. 

Like most Bergman movies, this is a very small, intimate film that centers around a couple’s relationship that is falling apart. There are many scenes of characters telling stories and waxing philosophical, while being shot in gorgeous black and white with very Bergman-style blocking of the actors. As a fan of Bergman, I loved all of this and my only gripe was that it hadn’t really done anything “scary” yet. Then the last 30 minutes happened. 

I won’t spoil it, as it’s on YouTube in its entirety and I highly recommend checking it out, but it’s exactly what an Ingmar Bergman horror sequence would be like. It takes the themes that Bergman often tackles within the topic of relationships and turns it into immaculate surreal horror imagery. 

Highly recommend it for fans of Bergman, arthouse films, and horror, as long as the horror fan is patient.

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